Extra Special Bitter

Redhook ESB

Beer No. 11 – Redhook ESB

STYLE: Extra Special Bitter

ABV: 5.8%

LOOK: No lacing to speak of, though the color is nice. Pumpkin, honey, butterscotch. A well-balanced look.

NOSE: Sour pineapple, cantaloupe, and peach. The sourness could be overripe dark fruit, maybe plums, but I’ll go with my gut here. It’s not bad per se.

MOUTH: Two initial reactions — hmmm and eh. It gets better, I think. There’s a distinctive and memorable flavor profile, just not one that I can wrap my tongue around. Toastier than I expected, fish oil, syrup, doughnut glaze. Yeah, you read that right.

Beeradvocate Rating: 78

Hayward Abbey Rating: 74