Ommegang Hennepin

Beer No. 57 – Ommegang Hennepin

I keep a bit of everything in the house because you never know when a summer craving will come a little early.

STYLE: Saison / Farmhouse Ale

ABV: 7.7%

LOOK: Less than yellow, refreshing. Ideal one-finger head that doesn’t resist a subtle sip.

NOSE: It won’t shine here. And that’s OK because that rather misses the point. Loafy and dry.

MOUTH: White pepper, nonfat butter, bitter salad greens. It’s not – memorable. On the front, too much rind and not enough zest. On the back, a quiet lagerish coat.

Beeradvocate Rating: 93

ratebeer Rating: 97

Hayward Abbey Rating: 83

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